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One of my passions is to share with the world the amazing ways compounded pain relievers can help you take back control of your life.

On September 11, 2001 during the morning while chaos was breaking out in NY, PA and DC I was in a car accident on the way to work here at Key. The sun hit my windshield in such a way that I was momentarily blinded and I hit the gas instead of the brake and hit a dump truck going about 35 mph. I was disoriented, had broken my knee in half and had an extreme case of whiplash with numbing and tingling down my right arm, scrapes and bruises from the seat belt.

When I came to Key after I was released from the hospital everyone was so good to me, I had only worked at Key for a few months and they held my job for me, provided with a wheelchair and commode at no charge to help in my recovery.

I came back after 6 weeks and have had constant pain ever since. I have tried every treatment and medication for the chronic pain in my knee, lower back and left shoulder. The only prescription relief I have found that actually works without addiction to the drugs are Keto/Cam/Cyclobenzaprine/Ketamine and DMSO Magnesium Chloride in Emu Oil. These topicals go right to the actual spot of pain without creating addition, or additional traumas due to side effects that most folks experience with pain killers and muscle relaxers.

I want people to know that there are other effective options, that don’t involve oral medications, when you have chronic pain.

Click the play button below to listen to an interview with Rachael Vardeman, an employee of Key Compounding Pharmacy, and host Shalena Putnam as Rachael tells her story about how she has dealt with her chronic pain.
