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Glutathione Supplementation and the Immune Response to Tuberculosis

Glutathione Supplementation and the Immune Response to Tuberculosis

Please check updated Glutathione research papers on our resources page.

Glutathione is an antioxidant and plays a vital role in cellular detoxification and enhancement of immune functions. Recent research has shown that cells in HIV patients were depleted of their glutathione, and that the immune cells, in turn, could not control the mycobacteria associated with tuberculosis. By boosting the body’s levels of active glutathione, once again the cells could control the mycobacteria.

The Surprising Link Between Gut Health & Immunity

The Surprising Link Between Gut Health & Immunity

Your intestines are home to many different kinds of bacteria. Together they are called the “gut microbiome.” They come from the food you eat – and whatever else gets into your mouth. Bacteria start colonizing your gut at birth. Your gut microbiome aids in digestion and produces vitamins and other compounds that affect your health. It seems to play a role in many other health-related functions, including metabolism, cardiac health and mood. New evidence shows that the bacteria in our gut also interact with our immune systems, and might even influence the body’s immune reaction to vaccines.

Probiotics and the Immune System in Your Gut

Probiotics and the Immune System in Your Gut

The most significant portion of your immune resides within the digestive tract. Many diseases – ranging from depression to obesity – are now being linked to disorders of this gut-based immune system and the microecology of bacteria it regulates. As our understanding of the immunologic role of the gastrointestinal tract grows, probiotics are increasingly being seen as a promising therapeutic option for treating many related disease conditions.

National Autism Awareness Month

April is National Autism Awareness Month - a good time to take another look at Autism and compounded medication currently being used in its treatment.  In 2010 the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) stated that autism affects 1 in every 110 American children.  Just...