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Remarkable Recovery Story of Jeri Friedman
A Letter from a Customer

Jeri Friedman

A long time customer, Jeri has been seeking treatment for chemical sensitivities most of her life. She spent countless hours researching and learning about her ailment. Because multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is such an uncharted territory, it took her many years to come up with a workable treatment that greatly improves her quality of life. Here's her story

In 1991, I was formally diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis(M.E). Symptoms included brain fog, mental confusion, extreme post-exertional fatigue, pain throughout my body, word finding problems and difficulty reading(concentration and comprehension).

There was no real treatment at the time, so I decided to make use of my medical/science background and figure out a natural treatment on my own. I utilized information available publicly from a physician treating M.E. patients and made causes of those symptoms. I then spent a few weeks in a medical school library researching all possible natural treatments.

Eventually, I developed a protocol that utilized only vitamins, herbs, minerals and supplements. My health began improving. My initial disease, M.E., was caused by exposure to toxic chemicals at work and at home, so it was no surprise that in early 1993, I began to notice that fragrances were causing reactions; headache, fatigue, nausea, and shortness of breath.

“I asked around online if people used hydroxy and if so, where they got it. I was directed to Key Pharmacy. I called Key and was sent information. My doctor wrote the prescription for me.”

The condition slowly worsened over time until I had to wear a charcoal mask in public buildings. I was officially diagnosed with Toxic Encephalopathy(T.E.-commonly called MCS) in 2002.

The condition was fairly stable until June of 2004. I was in a physician’s waiting room and sprayed half a can of Grade air “ freshener” into the room. Everyone started coughing and gagging. My mask was overwhelmed. I had left. This exposure pushed me into severe T.E. I was sick for days. Symptoms included: headache, fatigue, difficulty breathing, pain, weakness, nausea, irritated eyes, nose, ears, throat, lungs, and skin, brain fog, problems sleeping, and difficulty concentrating.

I had to buy a half face respirator to wear in public buildings and other people’s homes. I could no longer come into my home after being out any place without stripping, leaving the clothes in the garage and immediately showering thoroughly. I also no longer could bring anything into the house(including food) without outgassing it, washing it, or repackaging it. I rid my house of all scented products, which was a huge help.

" Key Pharmacy has been instrumental in keeping me from being bed-bound and totally non-functional. They understand T.E. and the importance of items being fragrance-free. Unlike other sources, their hydroxocobalamin is preservative-free. They are always willing, and go out of their way, to make sure your unique needs are met. I can’t imagine any other pharmacy being so accommodating.”

In 2005, I learned about the Neural Sensitization Protocol for T.E. and also met Dr. Martin Pall on one of my Internet M.E. groups. We spoke on the phone about his NO/ONOO cycle theory of M.E. and T.E. Dr. Pall’s protocol for treating these diseases was almost identical to mine. I was amazed. I decided to add into missing components: Trimethylglycine and Hydroxocobalamin. I asked around online if people used hydroxy and if so, where they got it. I was directed to Key Pharmacy. I called Key and was sent information. My doctor wrote the prescription for me.

I was thrilled at the difference these two supplements made. they helped with my M.E., but more importantly, I found I recovered quick from exposures and seemed to not react as severely as before as time went on. By the end of 2011, my health had improved quite a bit. Even my T.E., which is notoriously difficult to treat, had shown some improvement in the form of decreased sensitivity. I continued to practice strict avoidance and follow my protocol.

“The hydroxocobalamin I was already using to down-regulate the NO/ONOO- cycle worked because it’s a potent NO scavenger. So, it should stop the effects of the radiation. ”

The hydroxocobalamin I was already using to down-regulate the NO/ONOO- cycle worked because it’s a potent NO scavenger. So, it should stop the effects of the radiation. I decided to do an experiment. I tripled the dosage and discovered it worked. I feel so much better. A number of symptoms disappeared.

Unfortunately, I couldn't afford to maintain such a high dose. I had to cut back, although I still was once higher dose. So, symptoms returned but that wasn't as bad as before. In December 2015, two of my neighbors installed U-verse and one installed Comcast. These two companies use new higher powered Wi-Fi. My condition worsened. I checked and discovered there were now 31 Wi-Fi networks invading my home.

I increase my dose slightly, and there was s slight decrease in symptoms. I can’t afford higher dose. Symptoms I’ve experienced due to electromagnetic radiation poisoning are: dramatically increased tremor; heart arrhythmia; blurred vision; lack of stamina; fatigue; nausea; G.I. upset; increased allergic reactions; latent infection outbreaks; immune system damage; increased neurological symptoms( restlessness, emotional lability, short-term memory loss, confusion, brain fog, tremor, etc.) due to brain damage; severely exacerbated symptoms of my pre-existing conditions including a severe increase in reaction to chemicals.

I among home bound(two years) due to all the chemicals(especially fragrance) and electromagnetic radiation all over. Even my own home isn't safe due to all the radiation.

Key Pharmacy has been instrumental in keeping me from being bed-bound and totally non-functional. They understand T.E. and the importance of items being fragrance-free. Unlike other sources, their hydroxocobalamin is preservative-free. They are always willing, and go out of their way, to make sure your unique needs are met. I can’t imagine any other pharmacy being so accommodating.

I live in Florida. Many people have told me I should find a local compounding pharmacy. I’ve told them:”No way! I only trust Key Pharmacy. They understand my disease. I highly doubt any local place would even know the disease exists! No thanks, I’ll stay with Key Pharmacy. I’ve been a customer for over a decade.”

I always recommend Key Pharmacy to others. I was blessed to find them.


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