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You will be hearing more about the current debate surrounding the benefits and risks of calcium supplementation in both men and women.  Some studies have shown a 20% increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease death in individuals taking 1000mg or more of supplemental calcium as compared to individuals taking no calcium supplementation.

There are definite health benefits in taking supplemental calcium especially on bone health.  But with calcium supplementation the old adage that “less is more” may hold true.  It would seem to be prudent to be conservative in calcium supplement dosing.  Many sources recommend 1200mg-1500mg of calcium daily.  But remember these recommendations are for “total” intake.  Most of us get calcium in our diets especially from dairy, beans, and green leafy vegetables.  Daily dietary calcium is not associated with increased risks but supplemental calcium of 1000mg or more seems to be.  Keeping your supplemental calcium below 1000mg daily may be a good idea BUT check with your physician to determine whether, in your case, more calcium may be indicated.

Regardless of the amount of calcium you end up taking it is important to take 1000U-2000U of Vitamin D daily and magnesium in an amount about 1/2 of the amount of calcium.  If you are taking 500mg of calcium for instance, be sure to get about 250mg of magnesium.  Many good calcium supplement products contain both Vitamin D and magnesium.

Our Nutrition department can advise you on products we recommend.
