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Adaptogens Are Your Best Herbs To Fight Stress, Fatigue  and Anxiety

Adaptogens Are Your Best Herbs To Fight Stress, Fatigue and Anxiety

Stress. Fatigue. Anxiety. Those words are constant issues we face in our busy, American lives. Self-help books, life coaches, wellness coaches, detoxes, yoga….the list of options to reduce any one, or all three, of these issues is extensive and evolving. I...
The Neuroscience of Anxiety

The Neuroscience of Anxiety

Collectively, anxiety disorders are our most prevalent psychiatric problem, affecting about forty million adults in the United States. In Anxious, Joseph LeDoux, whose NYU lab has been at the forefront of research efforts to understand and treat fear and anxiety, explains the range of these disorders, their origins, and discoveries that can restore sufferers to normalcy.

Book Review – Back in Control

Book Review – Back in Control

Over 116 million people in the United States suffer from chronic pain. The impact to patients’ lives—in terms of physical and emotional suffering, as well as lost productivity—is astounding. Dr. David Hanscom has developed a new approach to treating chronic pain sufferers based on recent research in neurophysiology and the psychology of pain. His life-changing system has helped hundreds of patients heal their pain. His book, Back in Control, reveals how chronic pain patients can quiet a turbocharged central nervous system and make a full recovery.
